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Interested to become a puppet maker?

For the past few years, I have received so many questions about the production of dolls, puppets, and costumes. However, the most common question is, how and where do I start? My answer is to start from the beginning. Don't be afraid to do it, even if you think that your work is not beautiful enough. Everything from the accumulation of experience. However technologies are ever-changing, it is only through continuous practice and experience that you can see more of others’ method and you will progress faster! I have also encountered a lot of people who give up halfway because they come across some struggles, but this is the time to seek advice from experienced people so they can guide you! 


Fur suit making course!

In the winter of 2015, I have planned a fur suit making course for two months. This was mainly to guide the beginners to learn and make a fur suit step by step. The goal is to let inexperienced people go through the entire process of puppet making. The production process, knowledge of materials, and finish a complete work. When they have more confidence in the production process, the next time will be a lot easier.

What made me happy throughout the entire process was that the completely inexperienced students had completed their work as scheduled!


Puppet making course

Teaching and learning

During the student days, I often taught my friends to make handicrafts, because everyone created things that could not be foreseen so there will be new discoveries. Every time the end of the course is benefited, I enjoy the time we created together.

After the first course, I got a lot of valuable experience, but driven by the personality of perfectionism, I hope to review and improve the imperfect place, so I planed the second course. Not only lengthen the course time but also increase the difficulty. Of course, it also proves the potential of the person. Students from different fields will also combine their own professions, such as electronic equipment.

These several experiences have made me realize that teaching is a work that I am very passionate about. Therefore, under the time permit, I have planned many hand-made courses with different levels of difficulty, such as hand puppet , crafts production, etc. I want to share my experience is the greatest happiness!

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